I am truly the most blessed woman because I am married to the best man in the world. Tomorrow, June 29th, is our wedding anniversary. We already started celebrating with dinner at Shade. We had a great dinner with good friends last night. Then today at Mass, the priest that married us, Father Troy Gately, gave us a beautiful blessing. I ran into a friend at Mass today that was celebrating her 40th wedding anniversary. How awesome is that? I can't imagine anyone other than Lance that I would want to spend the rest of my life with, and I look forward to celebrating our anniversary each year. Tomorrow we are going to try and eat lunch at the Houstonian, the place where our wedding reception was held. Each year we go back and order the same entree that was served at our reception. Some years we stay for the weekend, but this year we decided to stay a different weekend since we'll be heading out of town soon. We're hoping to catch a movie together or have a couples massage before taking our kids to the end of the year swim team party. Nothing like sitting in the Houston humidity with four kids to ruin a date. Actually, nothing can ruin tomorrow for me. I am so grateful for my husband and for our family, and celebrating our anniversary is a celebration of all we have together.
My favorite moments from our wedding: the prayer to Mary, walking down the aisle and seeing Lance's face, saying our vows, the honeymoon suite with the hot tub and eating the top layer of our wedding cake, which was huge, on the plane.
I love you so much, Lance. You are everything to me and bring me so much happiness. I am so content in our life. God has truly blessed me and I thank Him for you.
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