Saturday, November 13, 2010

Batteries Not Included

I just went through Goose's room and closet to clean things out. Even though I have done no shopping for Christmas and his gifts from me will probably end up along the bookshelves, I assume he will be getting some toys from the grandparents.

Here is what we are donating: anything that requires a battery that did not come in the box. And that means, basically all the gifts from last Christmas that have never been used. Now this is not a commentary on the gift givers, but instead us. But here is the simple fact: if you buy a gift for my child that requires a battery, please provide it for me. I will soon have five kids, yes, I am pulling out that card, and while life is busy is for all of us, I can assure you that we will be donating more of the same, unused gifts next year if you don't include a battery. Just ask Squirt, he is still waiting on a battery for a cool $80 road racer of sorts that sits in his closet to this day. Sometimes I think he keeps it to remind us of what schmucks we are when it comes to stuff like this.

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