Saturday, February 12, 2011

Do Over

This afternoon was not a great one. I sent Lance to College Station to attend a football clinic for the afternoon thinking it wouldn't be a big deal. He was only going to listen to one speaker. I just failed to account for his drive time. No biggie though, I figured they would nap, we'd make a Valentine's project, watch a short movie about St. Bernadette and have dinner.

The project sits unfinished, and the movie is still in its case.

I was so frustrated with the kids for various reasons: No David for his continued mischievous nature, The Baby Hulk's continued inability to do one thing I ask of him, and Goose's failure to read any of his school work this week. (Blog entry on that to come later.) And then my little girl: she continues to cry unless you hold her. While I don't believe in letting babies "cry it out" at this stage, there have been times that I have to put her down and let me tell you, the girl has stamina. She is relentless.

You could safely say that I was more than annoyed by bedtime.

And the boys knew it. It took every effort to say prayers and give kisses and tell them I love them. And that I expected more tomorrow. As I closed the door, I promised myself tomorrow would be better. I would do better.

Less than ten minutes later, Goose was in my room bawling. Earlier when No David was turning the television on and off (one of his new moves), Goose had seen something that scared him.

Here was my chance, and thank God, I didn't miss it. Thank God I was a mom instead of a drill sergeant. Hearing my reaction to Goose was enough to bring the Baby Hulk into the room. He decided that he was scared too. Then No David climbed out of his crib, telling us he was scared and wanted to snuggle. How could I turn that down?
I'm not usually a fan of holdouts during bedtime. We have long days, and the boys need their sleep. Period. Everyone has bedtimes, including Squirt, who just asked us when he would get a new time. We wouldn't survive without bedtimes. But for tonight, I'm grateful for the chance of a "Do Over" with the boys. They, no WE all deserved it.


  1. Do overs are a very good thing! I love the 3rd pic & the last one. 3rd one of all the boys smiling & Marianna smiling too is SO SWEET! A little late bedtime is sometimes such a blessing. We were supposed to have our little guy for the night Friday night but his Momma didn't let him stay :-( I love bedtime & waking up in the morning with him those are such special quiet times. Enjoy them Nicole they pass so quickly. But hey then you get blessed with Grandchildren!

  2. They were so cute, and I think they all thought they would be sleeping with me all night. Alas, daddy came home. She loves the boys, usually. There are some pics where she is happy, then someone knocks into her and she starts crying. She will be tough.

    She is almost two months old. Talk about fast!

    Sorry E didn't get to stay with you. Soon enough though once the new baby comes!
